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A Christian based organization providing Christ centered care to patients living with HIV/AIDS, promoting Obedience based Discipleship, home visits to PLA's, HIV/AIDS counseling, supporting Income Generating Activities for PLA'S and Community Members, Seeking Opportunities to show the love of Jesus,and Prompting HIV/AIDS Prevention and Training in Hygine. We are committed to seeing indiviguals, families and communities transformed by God spiritually, socially and economically


Words of Hope is a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, community organization aiming to radical obedience based personal discipleship in Christ Jesus. Our commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another; build healthy churches; transform our communities, and engage every member in hands-on ministry. "As an organization built on prayer, purpose, and passion, we are in the forefront of creating a community of faith where people gather as one in worship, service and work Looking for opportunities to daily live for Jesus Our work is guided by our knowing that "The heart of the gospel is God's redemptive love. In our life together, the world will see the power of forgiveness to overcome alienation, the strength of love to transform hate, the power of grace to break the bonds of guilt, the triumph of hope over despair, and the victory of faith over doubt. "Through the cross of Christ we embrace everyone as neighbor. Our vision for mission energizes a multitude of servant ministries of evangelism, discipleship, leadership, new church development, social justice, economic development and education. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we work together in mutual submission, humility, love, and giving that the gospel might be preached and lived in our communities."

A story worth reading

Saturday, May 23, 2009

more from the field

As we moved from the joy and excitement of seeing George give his life to Christ we took off to another words of hope community in Katukuru about 40 minutes from George's community. Here the group is rearing pigs and these pictures will show you how fat the pigs are growing. it was joy and excitement in these families. Our prayer i that our God will be exalted in all these projects

21st May 2009 i go on the words of hope home visit to see how mzee George has been doing with his project. The passion fruits are well, the rabbit farm which he setup from the passion fruit money is doing well and the family is well.
It was exciting to see what was happening in the family. the wife is HIV positive and a believer in Jesus. Mzee has been waiting for years and he used to say he wants to take care of his needs first.

This led me to Luke 9:23 ff. As i read the scripture i saw the look in his face and i knew the spirit was working in his life. i took the time to explain to the mzee what the scripture means and as i did i also asked him the question, mzee, do you understanding what Jesus is talking about. It was about 13:30 GMT and he asked me what can i do now.

Joy ran in me and i could not wait to explain to the person i have known for over 3years and have been waiting on him. He finally told me he wanted to receive Jesus in His life and as i led him into prayer i knew that this was the power of the Holy Spirit at work.

This week also my cousin brother asked the Lord Jesus into his life and 4 students gave their lives to Christ at the youth retreat.
As w continue to see people live transformed financially we want to give Go the glory for giving us the patience to wait on them for these major commitments. Please pray with us as w continue to be witnesses for our Lord

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our mothers living with HIV/AIDS

Think of all the friends you have ever had. Now imagine one in five of them are HIV positive – and there is little or no treatment available. This is the situation facing people in some of the communities we work with here in Mbarara Uganda. However, Medicines, known as antiretroviral drugs, have transformed HIV from the death sentence it was in the 1980s into a treatable condition. In rich countries these medicines enable people with HIV to live healthy, productive lives. However, for most people in poor countries they remain out of reach.

As a result, in some of the communities worst affected by HIV and AIDS, hundreds of people are dying each day. The HIV and AIDS pandemic is sweeping away teachers, nurses, farmers, mothers and fathers. This leaves a community locked into a cycle of poverty and a life of Hopelessness

Words of Hope believes that all people living with HIV and AIDS have a right to life and dignity and Hope.

We work in partnership with poor and excluded people in their communities, at Village level and family level to defend this right and bring Hope.

Our mothers
The effects of the AIDS crisis are felt most sharply by women. In Uganda more than a big percentage of those living with HIV are female. Discrimination, poverty and gender-based violence are all driving these statistics.

What’s more, women who become HIV positive are more likely to face violence and discrimination. Women and girls also shoulder the burden of caring for relatives suffering with AIDS-related illnesses and for looking after children whose parents have died.

we believe that for what our mother's have done,we need to do more for them. We are starting up campaign to help our mother's living with HIV. This campaign will see them receive food supply, support for an income generating activity and a bible. Today you can be part of this campaign by committing to pray for our mothers and also prayerfully considering supporting a mother with $25 on a monthly basis.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Responding to Hunger

Words of Hope staff members in are reporting that despite a good harvest this season, many people remain desperately short of food because of the effect HIV/AIDS is having in the community. .

“Historically, shortages of food have been caused by severe drought that resulted in poor harvests,” says Onesimu, Words of Hope community group leader. “Now it is the result of less agricultural productivity brought about by AIDS. A good harvest no longer guarantees everyone enough to eat.”

The majority of people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda are between the ages of 15 and 49. It is estimated that one in four people within this normally productive age group are infected with HIV, translating to fewer adults supporting more people. “Many people are too weak or ill to work the land,” says Onesimu. “Much of the burden of responsibility is falling upon young women and children in the community to do the difficult task of planting and maintaining gardens.”

These circumstances only elevate the problem of little or no income for an increasing number of people. Many affected families are forced to sell what few assets they possess such as chickens, cattle and goats to survive. With little income, many families can no longer afford school fees and must withdraw their children from school. An increasing number of children are forced to leave school in order to take care of sick family members.

In response to the immediate crisis of hunger among AIDS victims, Words of Hope staff member, Pastor Naboth, says staff members are helping community groups in Mbarara generate improved methods of food productivity that should require less day-to-day physical labor for those affected by AIDS. Establishing small Passion farms and Piggery are two projects that will require minimal maintenance once established, but will yield foods beneficial to people’s health.

“Words of Hope staff members are committed, along with many other individuals and organizations, to the battle to end the AIDS epidemic in Uganda,” says Pr Naboth. “But until that end, we will do what we can to help communities develop food security and sustainable good among residents most affected by the disease.”

Through your support, you can help us create a sustainable change among the world's poor, including those most affected by HIV/AIDS.

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Home Based Care

Home Based Care Many people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda regularly experience stigma and discrimination because of their illness. They are often marginalized by family, community, and work-place. A primary task in HIV/AIDS care and education is raising awareness in the community, as we work with families to decrease such harmful reactions. In this project, a network of trained community caregivers has been established within the local community. Together with the Words of Hope team members, these caregivers work directly with sick adults and children in the villages. Through the home-based care program, patients receive food, medical supplies, clothing, linens and counseling. Emergency care is also available to provide food parcels, clothing and counseling to those with an immediate need.

Passion Project

Passion Project Communities are being encouraged to start the passion fruit growing project to sustain their lives and meet the basic needs of life. Training is given to the community members and free seeds are given. Besides providing income, transport to hospital, soft drinks for patients and sometimes school fees or books to support children in school, the passion project has provided work therapy to patients and also patients and community members involved are being encouraged to tithe and support the local churches. Visiting the passion project. Words of Hope counselor showing Mrs. Joy how to help her passion fruit climb for better production

Clinic based counselling

Words of Hope works hand in hand with the ISS AIDS clinic which is located at the regional referral and national referral hospital for western Uganda, the Municipal clinic and Katete health center III to provide counseling services to clients with HIV/AIDS. We send a team member to each clinic twice a week to provide counseling and support. These also book clients who need home based care that are later visited by the team. The counselors are also expected to Initiate conversations, support, in counting medicine and creating relationships with the clinic staff to provide an avenue for sharing the gospel. Social support is given to desperate patients and in addition patients can talk to our counselors for any other matter that is not necessarily medical.

Adult literacy class

In 2008 all words of hope team members underwent a training course for teaching adult literacy. With a class completed for Ladies in Kaberebere, we Currently we have one more class going on for women in Kagando and here we send a team member once a week to teach and check on the progress of the class and also do group based HIV/IDS counseling and Discipleship training. These Ladies can now read the sweetest news in their own local language that Jesus is the way the truth and the Life. Writing their names was impossible a year ago and they could only thumb print. Today this is history. These ladies meet in the house to hear the gospel and share their problems. They live in the town where most of them are widows and are faced with many challenges. Meeting together once a week helps them to draw strength from each other share ideals and feel loved. Reading the bible together keeps them united and looking for opportunities to help one another.

Poverty Eradication and food security

Poverty Eradication and food security With most of its people engaged in agriculture, Africa is a continent of farmers. Africa also, paradoxically, is a continent of hunger: with a third of its people suffering from malnutrition, it is the largest food-deficit region in the world. Here are some telling facts: • 70 percent of Africa's people are engaged in agriculture. • One of every three people in Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from malnutrition. • Worldwide, per-capita food production has increased by 20 percent since 1975. In Africa, total food production has increased but food production per-capita has dropped by 10 percent, due to factors such as growth in population and erosion of the natural resource base. • Sub-Saharan Africa has 13 percent of the population of the developing world ― but 25 percent of the malnourished people. In addition to malnutrition, food insecurity results in a wide range of other health problems as well as environmental degradation and poverty. Conversely, to the extent that food security improves, most facets of life in rural Africa improve as well. (Statistics, FAO ("State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2006"). With our poverty eradication projects, we hope to reduce poverty levels and improve food security level. The newly implemented piggery project and the existing seed program are expected to go a long way in supporting communities


HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS has hit Sub-Saharan Africa harder than any other world region ― destroying lives, deepening poverty and hampering the overall advancement of nations. Africa's first cases of HIV/AIDS were identified in 1983. By the late 1990s, AIDS had become Africa's leading cause of death. By 2007, some 22.5 million Sub-Saharan Africans were living with HIV or AIDS; and strikingly, 61 percent of Africa's AIDS victims are women. Sub-Saharan Africa has 11 percent of the world's population but: • 68 percent of all people living with HIV or AIDS (including nearly 90 percent of all children living with HIV or AIDS) • 68 percent of 2007's new HIV infections • 76 percent of 2007's AIDS-related deaths • 80 percent of all AIDS orphans Not "only" the percentages, but also the actual numbers of HIV/AIDS sufferers, new infections, deaths and orphans in Africa are the highest in the world.( Statistics: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), 2007; UNFPA (population) (Updated, Jan. 4, 2008) Prevention While the crusade for drugs and condoms marches on, WORDS OF HOPE calls for behavior change and education. Voluntary testing, counseling, education and equipping is all part of the cure for AIDS. Training 1) Train people in both spiritual and practical ways to go to the community with tools that will bring hope and healing to those they care for. 2) Equip people in a way that they can duplicate that equipping within their communities with a heart to care for the poor and needy through community development. 3) Partner with a wide variety of churches, organizations, and people to bring that hope and healing along with God’s love in a deeper way to each member of their community. It is important to us that in all the projects we are able to maintain our core values. 2) Training goals and valves • Worshipful Attitude - We want everything done in a way that worships and honors God. Especially as we care for others, we know that Jesus says when we care for the least among us it is just like caring for Him. • Christ-like Servant hood - The people we are serving should feel loved, empowered and released into their calling. They should be honored and able to maintain their cultural identity. • Local Leadership - All projects as much as possible should have local leadership throughout the life of the project, local leadership and responsibility should be ever-increasing as much as possible. • Transformation - We desire to see transformation of families, communities, and nations through the Kingdom of God being demonstrated in various ways. • Sustainability - We seek to introduce sustainable methods in all aspects of our community work. • Reproduction - We want everything we do to be reproduced easily by members in the community • Multiplication - We want to use methods and ideas that can be multiplied whenever possible • Empowerment of the person and Local Church - When possible, in most circumstances, we will seek to work with and empower local churches and local church leaders • Compassion - Acts of mercy and compassion will be a part of all our ventures, purposefully demonstrated especially to serve as training/discipleship opportunities with our communities • Discipleship - All trainings will be intentional to make disciples and to train trainers. Facilitating a place to put into practice what has been taught will be a priority. • Integrity - In every way we are seeking to show integrity. We want to be true and honest in the things that we say and do.

Our Beliefs

As a Christian Based organization committed to making a Biblical response to the needs of the poor throughout the community, we accept and proclaim the historic truths of the Christian faith including the following: We hold that the Lord our God is one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that he fulfils his sovereign purposes - in creation, revelation, redemption, judgment, and the coming of his kingdom - by calling out from the world a people united to himself and to each other in love. We acknowledge that though God made us in his own likeness and image, conferring on us dignity and worth and enabling us to respond to himself, we now are members of a fallen race; we have sinned and come short of his glory. We believe that the Father has shown us his holy love in giving Jesus Christ, his only Son, for us, while through our sinfulness and guilt, we were subject to his wrath and condemnation; and has shown his grace by putting sinners right with himself when they place their trust in his Son. We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and God; as truly human, born of the virgin Mary; as Servant, sinless, full of grace and truth; as only Mediator and Saviour, dying on the cross in our place, representing us to God, redeeming us from the grip, guilt and punishment of sin; as Victor over Satan and all his forces, rising from death with a glorious body, being taken up to be with his Father, one day returning personally in glory and judgement to establish his kingdom. We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement; who makes the death of Christ effective to sinners, declaring that they must now turn to Christ in repentance, and directing their trust towards the Lord Jesus Christ; who through the new birth makes us partake in the life of the risen Christ, and who is present within all believers, illuminating their minds to grasp the truth of Scripture, producing in them his fruit, granting to them his gifts, and empowering them for service in the world. We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures are God-breathed, since their writers spoke from God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit; hence are fully trustworthy in all that they affirm; and are our highest authority for faith and life. We recognize the Church as the body of Christ, held together and growing up in him; both as a total fellowship throughout the world, and as the local congregation in which believers gather We acknowledge the commission of Christ to proclaim the Good News to all people, making them disciples, and teaching them to obey him., And We acknowledge the command of Christ to love our neighbours, resulting in service to the church and society, in seeking reconciliation for all with God and their fellows, in proclaiming liberty from every kind of oppression; and in spreading Christ's justice in an unjust world ... until he comes again